The next DUPLO face-to-face meeting will take place in Santander, hosted by TTI on October 24th and 25th

Duplo Project

The next DUPLO ( face-to-face meeting will take place in Santander, hosted by TTI on October 24 and 25, 2013. This face-to-face meeting will join General Assembly and Board Meetings, where management and technical issues will be discussed respectively.

DUPLO is an international research project co-funded from EU 7th Framework Programme funds. The project started in November 2012 and will end in April 2015. DUPLO project aims at developing technology and systems solutions to meet future capacity needs, by introducing a new radio transmission paradigm to improve spectrum efficiency in wireless communications. The new radio transmission paradigm is to enable simultaneous transmission and reception at the same carrier frequency and at the same time, by a powerful cancellation of self-interference in radio device. DUPLO will study and develop key technologies and methods for self-interference cancellation in wireless transceiver to enable full-duplex. Moreover, DUPLO project will implement and evaluate these new cancellation solutions in a hardware platform.

DUPLO project combines a strong consortium with participants from diverse disciplines and with different expertises, providing both strategic view and insights into technical problems in specific areas. The consortium is composed by seven different partners from six EU countries: Renesas Mobile (Finland), University of Oulu (Finland), TTI (Spain), Imec (Belgium), University of Twente (The Netherlands), University of Surrey (England) and Thales Communication and Security (France).